(((Full-color high-contrast illustration...
(((Full-color high-contrast illustration))) of the following scene ((from the occult superhero saga, The Nightmare Begins)) (((done in a style which is a mix of Max Ernst:1.6, Hieronymus Bosch:1.6 and Gustave Dore:1.8))): ((((In the dark alleyway, just beyond the patch of pavement lit by moonlight, something moved)))). The (((two muggers))) watched in horror as ... smoke? fog? ... some ((((boiling, churning black vapor swept along the cold, wet pavement and then began rising up directly in their path)))), forming (((((a dark, smoke-like figure that had the approximate shape of a man, but larger, more indistinct and ephemeral, and with an outline that continued to roll and boil like the vapors from dry ice))))). (((((Where the face should be, there was only smoke; where the eyes should be, there were twin red pinpricks of light, like the light of a fire burning through the darkness)))))). The muggers stared in horror at this (((wraith now towering over them in the dark))), as a wave of sheer terror swept through them. "What the hell?" said the taller of the two muggers. And then the smoky wraith replied, it's voice not quite human, but like an echoing whisper: "Hell ... is too good for the likes of you." And it was at that moment that the muggers suddenly knew the rumors were true: this smoky, shadowy figure before them was The Nightmare, scourge of the the underworld, righter of wrongs. Long rumored, seldom seen. The Nightmare was real. The image depicts the scene with (((the camera stationed behind the two muggers))): ((we see their backs, and see that they are looking up)) at (((((this vaguely human creature, like a man made entirely of dark, roiling smoke, with fiery eyes staring out of the smoke-like head))))) -- towering over them. (((The Nightmare is at least eight or nine feet tall, and its outline is entirely smoke, with no distinct or permanent edge.)))
Negative prompt
((no alleyway)), ((no moonlight)), ((no shadowy, ghost-like figure)), ((fires in background)), (((weapon))), ((((identifiable facial features)))), (((more than two muggers))), (((fire at ground level))), (((((animal features))))), ((((demonic))))
#Cinematic #Pencil Art #Realistic
Create date
June 27, 2024, 3:22 a.m.
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